Donald Mersel, the petition's creator, addressed the petition to all of Congress. We've found that individual members of Congress are a lot more receptive to petitions that are started by their own constituents, so we think this campaign will have an even bigger impact if—in addition to the national petition—there is also a version of this petition to your own members of Congress, Representative Peter Visclosky, Senator Joe Donnelly, and Senator Dan Coats.
Why is this important?
The autopsy of Sandra Bland was incomplete. We need to prove that it was murder. WThe District Attorney of Waller County said the autopsy was incomplete although Sandra Bland was released to her family. There is suspicion that Sandra Brown was murdered and there is a cover-up. Another autopsy has been done and we believe an independent autopsy is needed ASAP.
Here's what Donald Mersel wrote about it:
To Get Justice for Sandra Bland.