To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Sane gun control.

Without tampering with the 2nd amendment, it would be within the realm of the Federal governments power and reality to ban the future manufacture of assault weapons for public consumption, large capacity magazines and any weapon that has high capacity killing potential. Assault weapons are made for killing. So, now what to do with those owners who legally own these weapons. Those owners would have to register the weapons, turn in high capacity magazines, armor piercing bullets and be put on notice that they must only have these weapons in their homes. If an assault weapon is taken from the home it would be felony offense with serious penalties and jail time. Maybe, a GPS device could signal the weapon leaving its home base. There are many options to be considered and should be part of the dialogue. Last, but not least, gun show transactions must be tightly regulated, background checks instituted, licensing mandatory and a reasonable waiting period.

Why is this important?

Gun control without tampering with the 2nd Amendment.