To: The Ohio State House, The Ohio State Senate, and Governor Mike DeWine

Sanyi Law

At age 14 a young adult should be able to say who they want to live with or have visitation in the state of Ohio.

Why is this important?

At age 12 my daughter had court-ordered visitation with her father after a long custody battle. He was given the entire summer. While in his care she was sexually assaulted by her stepbrother and verbally and physically abused and neglected by her father. She did not want to go to begin with, stating to her guardian ad litem. When she spoke on things she endured at the supervision of her father, no one would listen. She then decided to start recording. The magistrate refused to listen to the recordings or even talk to my daughter.
My daughter's life will never be the same; she has been diagnosed with PTSD behind the traumatic physical, mental, and sexual abuse. Now my daughter is 14 and an order is in place for her to return to yet another full summer visitation, facing her attacker, now age 16. My child has threatened to kill herself or run away if she ever has to go back. I'm here to start a petition. If a 14-year-old can work part-time or schedule their own high school courses, they should be able to come before a judge and state why they do or don't want to live or have visitation with a non-residential parent, especially when in danger or fearing for their life. A child at age 13 can refuse to be medicated, a child at 12 can be unsupervised and seen as responsible enough to be left home alone. So with Sanyi Law, with proper evidence and part of the investigation, a 14-year-old should be able to voice their concerns and experience as with whom they prefer to live and have visitation. We the people are obligated to protect our children. The court system has failed my child; she has now been exposed to experiences that will forever haunt her.

Sanyi Law
At age 14 in the state of Ohio, one should have a say in who they reside with and be protected from harmful visitation and exposures, before a magistrate or judge makes a decision pertaining to custody matters.
