To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Save Cal Grants

May 2012

Honorable Governor Brown and the State Legislature State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814
RE: Governor Brown's Budget Plan on California’s Financial Aid Grant Program

To Governor Brown and the State Legislature:
On behalf of tens of thousands of students, educators, families, and allies from across California we urge you to prioritize all of California’s students and not slash funds for the Cal Grant program.

The Cal Grant program helps thousands of students attend college each year, and the new plan to raise the GPA minimum would derail over 26,600 students. Denying financial aid to these individuals would greatly increase California’s dropout rate, creating problems that extend far beyond the education system.

In addition, limiting financial aid resources for students to select a private California institution prevents choice and further opportunities for the California residents. Currently, California's education system is ranked one of the lowest compared to other states in the nation. It is time to prioritize education and make the welfare of California future voters the number one priority. Giving more students more opportunities and support will enable California, once again, to be a state full of the entrepreneurs, business and community leaders we desperately need to strengthen our state in the 21st century.

Not slashing the Cal Grant program would ensure that California’s investment in the education of youth continues beyond K-12 by granting hard-working students to achieve their higher educational goals and thus creating a more educated, innovative and competitive workforce. The Cal Grant program has consistently been on the cutting board by past governors. Time and time again the voters and residents of California have said loudly, “NO.” It is time for CA’s governor and legislators to listen to the people they serve and find alternatives to fix the budget that will benefit ALL in the near and far future. Slashing opportunity, growth and innovation in a young people’s life is a death sentence to our state. Obtaining a college degree is incredibly important in this economic climate, and no one should have to drop out due to inadequate funds. We should be investing in our residents’ education, not downsizing it. At a time where students in California are struggling to obtain a degree in four years, there should be no talk about slashes in education – but more discussion and strategic planning on making California’s education system more effective and productive. The “Golden State” education program should be one of the best, not a state that does not make education imperative.

At a time when the economic projections for the state of California suggest that by 2025, every five jobs will require a college graduate, we must ensure that all California students have equal access to higher education. It is in the best interest of our state’s economy and future that the country have an educated workforce to provide the innovation and leadership necessary to keep California at the forefront of the global economy and maintain its historic tradition as a national leader in enacting progressive legislation. I strongly urge the State Legislature and Governor Brown to show leadership on this issue, and not approve the slash cuts and adjustments recommended for the California State Aid Commission Grant program.

Why is this important?

The Cal Grant program helps thousands of students attend college each year, and the new plan to raise the GPA minimum would derail over 26,600 students. Denying financial aid to these individuals would greatly increase California’s dropout rate, creating problems that extend far beyond the education system.