To: The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and Governor J.B. Pritzker

Save Canton Lake!

Protect Canton Lake from strip mines!

Why is this important?

Over 20,000 residents of Canton and neighboring communities rely on Canton Lake for clean drinking water, and the West and Middle Branches of Copperas Creek provide some of the highest quality wildlife habitat, hunting, and fishing left in Fulton County.

But the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has tentatively decided to issue water pollution permits for a 1,084 acre strip coal mine that would send additional pollution into Canton Lake and Copperas Creek, and allow for the destruction of miles of tributary streams.

Even worse, the applicant is the same group responsible for the disastrous Industry Mine in McDonough and Schuyler Counties – which has violated the Clean Water Act by discharging polluted water at levels above its permit over 300 times since 2003! Despite ongoing legal action by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office and widespread local opposition the Industry Mine is still not complying with the law.

How can Illinois EPA even consider issuing a permit to a company with such a bad record so close to a source of clean drinking water?

Take Action Now!

1. Sign the petition and tell Governor Quinn and Illinois EPA not to issue permits that threaten clean drinking water! No permits for mining companies that are already violating the Clean Water Act.

2. Join Us At The Meeting CACEI December Meeting 10:00 am, December 3, 2011 and at the Fulton County Health Department Public Hearing on North Canton Mine Water Permits at 5:00 pm on December 6, 2011 at the Donaldson Center

This petition and associated signatures will be forwarded to Gov. Quinn and Illinois EPA as part of our campaign to protect Canton Lake and Copperas Creek from strip mining pollution. By submitting this form, your name and address will be filed with a public agency and become public record. We will not use your personal information for any other purpose.