To: Jim Forsythe, Director of Voter Services

Save Chester County Voter's Rights

Just Say No to enforcing the Voter I.D. law that would disenfranchise Chester County Registered Voters, to the full extent of your legal authority.

Why is this important?

With the U.S. at the forefront of championing the cause for fair and free elections worldwide, and an American Presidential election looming only months away, at best it is unwise and at worst electioneering, to deny the right of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which, as good citizens, we must live. It is imperative that we lead by example, and not undermine the right of we the people to vote in a fair and free election, when proponents of the law have produced no examples of people committing fraud by impersonating voters. Therefore with a Philadelphia election official expecting a "mess" over the photo ID law as reported by the Philadelphia Inquirer Aug. 2,2012, a Delco election official vowing to defy the ID law, as reported by the Philadelphia Inquirer July 28,2012 and up to 758,000 registered Pennsylvanians likely to be disenfranchised as a result, as reported by the Philadelphia Inquirer July 5,2012, why would anyone enforce this outrageous new law?