Colorado relies on snow melt for its water resource. It has a finite amount of aquafere water available. Our government has allowed fracking companies to come in and buy up leases and water rights to use this precious resource to frack for oil and natural gas. There is far too much evidence to show that these fracking sights time after time leak toxic gas and chemicals into the ground water. It also takes an obsene amount of water to opperate a frack. This water is not reusable after use. Govenor Hickenlooper would not relenquish precious ground water to those farmers who suffered this past summer from the drought losing theirs crops, so why would he allow the gas and oil industry to use this water? Tell the gas and oil companies to bring in their own water and gaurentee that their gas and toxic chemicals won't pollute ours.
Why is this important?
Save Colorado Water, stop fracking