To: Martha Bruckner, Superintendent, Mr. Troy Arthur, President, Dr. Jill Ogg-Gress, Vice President, Mr. David Coziahr, Board Member, Mr. Bill Grove, Board Member, Mr. Scott Hansen, Board Member, Mr. Chris LaFerla, Board Member, and Mrs. Sus...

Save Crescent Elementary

Tell our school board to vote against shutting down Crescent Elementary

Why is this important?

Crescent Elementary should not be shut down. Crescent is NOT a failing school. Though Crescent is part of the Council Bluffs Community School District, it is an independent township and should be considered with exceptional treatment. Closure could hinder economic growth in our small town, as the school is a huge incentive for new families to move and stay in Crescent. It's been a part of our town's identity since 1901.

The superintendent intends to have former Crescent students bused, as far as 7 miles, to influx Lewis and Clark Elementary's student body with 44% more students. The school board should consider finding other options to help improve enrollment to meet their acceptable attendance standards, as this is the reason they are voting to shutter the doors.

The Iowa Department of Education's School Report Card rated Crescent as "Commendable". The school building had a complete renovation in 2007. Crescent IS an outstanding school, a National Blue Ribbon Award winner and should remain open.
