To: Jon Husted, Ohio Secretary of State

Save Early Voting in Ohio

I call on you to break the tie votes of the County Boards of Elections who are dead-locked on voting to extend early voting hours and make weekend voting available to all Ohio voters.

Every Ohio voter should have the same access and opportunity to vote early.

If you don't act now, voters in Ohio can expect long lines and confusion about times during the upcoming early voting period for the 2012 election.

Why is this important?

On Wednesday, August 15, 2012, the New York Times published an op-ed entitled Overt Discrimination in Ohio, in response to the fact that voters in conservative leaning counties will be able to vote in the evenings and weekends while voters in more progressive and urban counties will not.

This is not democracy.

Every Ohio voter should have the same access and opportunity to vote early.

Currently, many Ohio county Board of Elections are in dead-lock ties on extending early voting hours and choosing accessible early voting locations.

That's why we're calling on the Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted to break these tie votes, making voting easy and convenient for all Ohioans.

If we don't act now, voters in Ohio can expect long lines and confusion about times during the upcoming early voting period for the 2012 election.

Sign our petition calling on the Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted to break these tie votes, making voting easy and convenient for all Ohioans.
