To: President Donald Trump
Save Education
Dear Mr. President, please stop the abuse of the Higher Education System. Many of us adjunct instructors specifically obtained our terminal degree so we may be productive full time educators. Unfortunately business seems to have taken over as greed and profit for administration now allows most colleges to hire part time. Many of us are being denied the right to work for fair incomes and obtain the respect we deserve. Instead we are abused with low wages, no knowledge of neither economic stability nor health benefits. Colleges need to refocus their goals of profit and go back to their primary function – supplying students with the best education they may receive. Permit me to suggest there is something vastly wrong with a country in which many thousands of PhD’s are living near poverty level because they did not chose to focus on business.
Why is this important?
Demanding that colleges all require at least a minimum of their professors/Instructors work as full time. Many of us including me went back to college to specifically become full time Instructors however business changed all this as we become adjunct who over work and are underpaid often living just above poverty with our PhD’s! Thus with such laws college will be forced to sign on more quality caring full time staff who will then have the ability to pay back their student loan and help studenst learn as this is our passion not our additional income