To: The United States House of Representatives

Save Elephants and Lions - Stop Trump’s Trophy Hunting Plan

The Trump Administration reversed a ban that allows for the expansion of sport hunting on some of the world's most beloved and imperiled animals: Africa's elephants and soon possibly lions. We need your signature today to help stop him.

Africa was once home to over four million elephants, now less than half a million remain. Africa's lions have seen similar declines, with lion numbers declining by 42 percent in just the last 20 years.

To save these iconic animals from extinction, a previous administration banned the importation of elephant trophies from Zambia and Zimbabwe and made importing lion pelts and other trophies more difficult.

President Trump's adminstration has reversed this animal-saving ban. This reversal will almost inevitably increase poaching of these rare animals. According to Jeffrey Flocken of the International Fund for Animal Welfare: “When a species' greatest value is as a dead trophy, its days will inevitably be numbered, just as they are when the value of their parts -- like ivory tusks, tiger skins, or rhino horn -- make protection from poachers nearly impossible."

The move is also squarely at odds with public opinion in the U.S. 83% support banning elephant trophies. By adding your name today you'll show Congress that conservation-minded people around the world reject sport hunting of our imperiled species. And you'll provide the public support needed to restore vital protections for whales and lions.

Speak out for our imperiled elephants and lions. Please sign the petition now to stop new imports of elephant and lion trophies.

Why is this important?

“When a species' greatest value is as a dead trophy, its days will inevitably be numbered, just as they are when the value of their parts -- like ivory tusks, tiger skins, or rhino horn -- make protection from poachers nearly impossible."