To: The Louisiana State House, The Louisiana State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Save Higher Education in Louisiana
Governor Bobby Jindal proposed a $608 million reduction in higher education funding in Louisiana and must be stopped. That amounts to roughly 80 percent of the operating budget of the University of Louisiana System.
Why is this important?
The citizens of Louisiana are tired of the cuts to higher education funding. Governor Bobby Jindal recently proposed a $608 million reduction in higher education funding in Louisiana. That amounts to roughly 80 percent of the operating budget of the University of Louisiana System.
These cuts to higher education funding in Louisiana are a shameful attempt to temporarily the larger budget problems in Louisiana. The middle class will have to take up the slack so Jindal can avoid tax cuts and major budget overhauls while he attempts a presidential bid.
Legislators: Do not stand by and let higher education be set back a generation!
That’s what we are looking at here. It is not up to the governor; it is up to you!
Step up for a change. Commit to RESTORING funds to higher ed; NOT taking more from them and setting them back for another twenty years.
All of you out there that feel this way: Send this to your representative and senator, call your representative and senator, pledge to vote them out if they continue to significantly harm higher education.
For further reading, check out:
These cuts to higher education funding in Louisiana are a shameful attempt to temporarily the larger budget problems in Louisiana. The middle class will have to take up the slack so Jindal can avoid tax cuts and major budget overhauls while he attempts a presidential bid.
Legislators: Do not stand by and let higher education be set back a generation!
That’s what we are looking at here. It is not up to the governor; it is up to you!
Step up for a change. Commit to RESTORING funds to higher ed; NOT taking more from them and setting them back for another twenty years.
All of you out there that feel this way: Send this to your representative and senator, call your representative and senator, pledge to vote them out if they continue to significantly harm higher education.
For further reading, check out: