To: The Missouri State House, The Missouri State Senate, and Governor Mike Parson
Save Men
I think it’s unfair for men to be held financial responsible for children they have fathered and did not know about for 10+ year’s! When women take it upon themselves to keep the children a secret for more than 10 year’s, men should not be held responsible after these women decide to make men pay after many years have passed and they did not know about these kids! I think it’s unfair how men do not have any rights when it comes down to the Child Support/ Custody issues after divorce or after many years of finding out they had a child they did not know about!
The Law should be changed in all 50 States to protect men’s rights and protect them from women that keep a child a secret but decides to seek financial support later on in life!
Women can’t go after their sperm donors either, so why go after men they had one-night stands with and did not let the men know? Very outdated laws in the United States that need to be changed!
The Law should be changed in all 50 States to protect men’s rights and protect them from women that keep a child a secret but decides to seek financial support later on in life!
Women can’t go after their sperm donors either, so why go after men they had one-night stands with and did not let the men know? Very outdated laws in the United States that need to be changed!
Why is this important?
Men have no protection against Women that get pregnant and keep the children a secret!
I hope we can get enough signatures to change this law to give Men more rights!
I hope we can get enough signatures to change this law to give Men more rights!