To: Chesterfield County Public Schools

Save Mr. Holley

We need a strong band program! Sign this petition if you want to keep Mr. Holley here at Thomas Dale.

Why is this important?

Mr. Holley is currently one of two band directors at Thomas Dale High School. He recently received news that he is being transferred to another school. Mr. Holley has been with Thomas Dale for 8 years and has built the band program to its highest point. He has spent years and years building it to be known as the Specialty Center For Music! He is being cut from dale because the County thinks there is no need for 2 band teachers. The band program is very large and is getting 50 times larger next year. Mr. Holley does not want to leave. He is the best teacher that you can find. He has inspired so many people and has and continues to be my inspiration. Please help me save his job and take a minute to sign the petition every signature counts! THANKS!
