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To: Councilman Justin Brannan , Superintendent Pretto

PS 264 Brooklyn Elementary: Please Dont Stop the Music - petition to Save the Arts!

Our little school, for a long time has been a home where those that loved the Arts can thrive. From Music, to theater and visual Arts, our children at PS264 have learned first hand how important the Arts are in our schools. It is known that children thrive in environments that allow them to express themselves.Yet, more and more, these schools and programs are targeted, and seen as unimportant. Recently, the news that our Founding music teacher, Mrs. Rifai has been excessed, has been revealed. This news , has angered many parents who were never given a heads up of what was occurring . Mrs.Rifai, is the heart of our music program and beloved by all her students and parents. No music in school means no more seasonal concerts, as well as saying goodbye to our 2 year Band program. Our Theater productions, may also suffer the consequences of losing our beloved music teacher as well. Theater and Music has been a staple at 264 from the very beginning, and to envision a school where neither exist, is a sad reality we may face!! Every student that leaves Mrs.Rifai's classroom always knows how special they are. She understands the true measure of success, and makes sure that all of her students know how absolutely amazing they are. Mrs.Rifai is a gem to the 264 community, and to let her leave, would be an extreme heartbreak to all of her students. We ask all parents to please, share this message, sign this petition and let us save our precious gem. We need to keep the music going strong at 264 ,with our amazing Mrs.Rifai at the helm. Our children deserve music in schools, and us parents deserve our teacher back!!

Why is this important?

Music programs in schools, are a life changing thing in the lives of children. It allows them to express themselves and experience things that they would not if it were not for school. Many of our children continue to bigger and greater things, just because they were given a class that peeked their interest in school. WE NEED MUSIC TO STAY AT 264. Our kids deserve nothing but the best and that starts with keeping our beloved Mrs.Rifai at Ps264!!!!



2023-06-20 20:19:56 -0400

100 signatures reached

2023-06-20 09:14:53 -0400

50 signatures reached

2023-06-20 06:56:55 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-06-19 21:48:22 -0400

10 signatures reached