To: Rep. Cedric Richmond (LA-2), Sen. Bill Cassidy (LA-1), Sen. John Kennedy (LA-2), and The United States House of Representatives

Save Net Neutrality

The livelihoods of millions of tax-paying Americans whose work depends on free, open and speedy Internet access is being threatened by a handful of powerful communications companies who now want to force us to pay extra to continue this level of service. Please stand with us and oppose any and all efforts to charge tolls to ride on the Internet highways.

Why is this important?

I am a professional freelance writer, a career path I have been following for the past ten years. It is no exaggeration to say this path would not have been possible to follow without the Internet. I had tried freelancing before there was an Internet and it was slow, unwieldy and costly. And, if I had to do research, it would often involve a trip to the library, yet another time-consuming process. The Internet, I am happy to say, solved many of these issues for me.