To: Jeff Browning, Project Coordinator, Office of Renewable Energy Programs Bureau of Ocean Energy Management U.S. Department of the Interior, Mr. Kevin Hughes, Chairman Maryland Public Service Commission, Dereck E. Davis, House of Delegate...

Save Ocean City, MD and Fenwick Island, DE: construct all wind turbines at least 26 nautical mile...

Require U.S. Wind Inc. and Skipjack Offshore Energy LLC to construct ALL Three Phases and any future Offshore Wind Turbines off the coast of Ocean City, MD and Fenwick Island, DE no closer than 26 nautical miles from the Ocean City shoreline [or, in other words, at least 26 nautical miles or more from the shoreline]. Require the Maryland Public Service Commission and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to demand that all of the wind turbines being built are constructed at least 26 nautical miles from the Maryland shoreline.

Why is this important?

The Mayor of Ocean City, the Ocean City County Council, and most of us are in favor of green energy. However, when initiating a green project some common sense needs to be in place.

The turbines initially proposed for Ocean City were 3 mega- watt units. They were 200’ tall from the water line to the hub with a 300’ blade diameter. The overall height from the waterline to the tip of the blade was therefore approximately 350’
The currently proposed turbines are 8 megawatt units, they are 370’ tall from the water line to the hub with a 550’ blade diameter. The overall height from the waterline to the tip of the blade is therefore approximately 650’ - the height of the Washington Monument and more than twice the height of the tallest building in Ocean City. When a change of this magnitude is encountered, it is not unreasonable to expect the distance from shore would increase to ensure that the turbines will not be seen from the shore. These projects are being subsidized by Maryland electric consumers through a special fee added to your electric bill. 

The current proposed field off the Maryland coast consists of 86 turbines constructed in 3 phases and extends the entire length of Ocean City, from the inlet to the Delaware line. Phase 1 is located 17 miles offshore, phase 2 is 15 miles offshore and phase 3 is 13 miles offshore.

The current field off Delaware supported by the Maryland subsidy consists of 15 turbines. The location starts just north of the Town of Fenwick and runs to the indian river bridge. It is located approximately 19 miles from Ocean City. There are plans to construct 50-60 additional turbines in the northern portion of the Delaware lease area but these would not be subsidized by Maryland utility customers.

There are many businesses that depend on the ocean view and there are many people who value the unadulterated, untainted view of the horizon, of the sunrises that the ocean shoreline bestows. The ocean has been there long before we walked this earth. It is one of the few untouched views that are left in this world. It would be a grave mistake to take that pure, unsullied view away for the sake of 20 years of “clean” energy. We should fight to keep our visual environment CLEAN as well. We can have the wind turbines and the view with a mere ten mile east movement of the turbines.
We the taxpayers are subsidizing the turbines that will cause the destruction of a view that is unparalleled and now it is time to stand up and demand that we, the people, are heard! We do not want to see the wind turbines. U.S.Wind and Skipjack make your millions, but put the turbines OUT of our sight. They can be green and also NOT seen!
