To: Kay Hagans, State Senator, Allen M. Thomas, Mayor of Greenville,North Carolina, Rose Glover, Mayor-Pro Tem, and G.K. Butterfield, Congressman

Save Our Afterschool Programs, Have No Kids Home Alone

Subsidized child care provide the opportunity for most single low income mothers to work and be self supportive without it our welfare lines will increase and our eonomic growth will decrease. STOP THE CUTTING OF OUR CHILDCARE.

Why is this important?

Budgets have been cut and new policies have been put into place that will no longer allow subsidized daycare payments for children over the age of eight, efective January 2013 additional cuts will effect 300 seven year olds. I am a childcare center owner that is very active in the community. Young mothers that are working hard to overcome their low economic situations are now faced with the dilemma as to how they are going to maintain employment without the assistance with childcare. I am losing ALL of my afterschool children because they are over the age of 8 and after January 2013, I will face more lost because the county will stop paying benefits for 300 additonal 7 year olds.
