To: The Tennessee State House, The Tennessee State Senate, and Governor Bill Lee


we, the students of the art institute of Tennessee-nashville, are petitioning to save our chefs from lay off. Chef Bussolino and Chef Piel are two of the best chefs in our school and many of us would not be here or have graduated without these chefs. we, the students, are taking a stand against the loss of our chefs.

Why is this important?

we, the students of the art institute of Tennessee-nashville, are petitioning via facebook to save our chefs from lay off. Chef Bussolino and Chef Piel are two of the best chefs in our school and many of us would not be here or have graduated without these chefs. we, the students, are taking a stand against the loss of our chefs and our educations. we are under lawsuits from the federal government for fraud and its us the students and our faculty and staff that are taking the bad end of this.
