To: President Donald Trump, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Rep. Randy Weber (TX-14), The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Online vote to nominate a presidential candidate

Give the American people a true voice in who they want to lead our country.

Why is this important?

Valid candidates from all parties are often times overlooked or dismissed due to our 2 party system and nominations. Without the backing of big money, the hopes of our country having any lasting change will require an enormous effort on the part of the American people. This petition is a way to demonstrate the will and desires of the American people. I am calling for your support to initiate a change to our electoral system. If you are in favor of the American people deciding who will be best to champion their interests for the next four years- please sign this petition and show your support.

We owe it to ourselves and our future generations to ensure the choices we make now will promote a positive environment to live in.

By signing this petition you agree that you are in favor of expanding the presidential nominations to include a system whereby the American people will hold a secure online vote, where the winner will be nominated as a third presidential candidate for election.