To: Sid Salazar, EdD, Superintendent

Save Our NoVi Mascot!

We ask Dr. Salazar to be mindful of our culture and heritage by not erasing our Native American mascot and link to this community's historic peoples.

Why is this important?

Norte Vista High School is an important place in our community that honors the Native American and Hispanic culture of Riverside in its choice of name and mascot.

Unfortunately, there are those that want to erase our connections to our Native American roots by changing the mascot; we cannot allow a prominent symbol of honor and history to be removed from our school, and we cannot allow the peoples that lived here before to be forgotten.

We ask you, Dr. Salazar, to bravely ignore those who would erase our heritage, and to not change the mascot that we love, respect, and who helps us to live up to the mission of our school by embodying the realization of unlimited potential.