To: Rep. Russ Fulcher (ID-1), Sen. Michael Crapo (ID-1), and Sen. James Risch (ID-2)

Keep Net neutrality and a level playing field for everyone

Tell the FCC to leave our Internet alone and turn down a proposal for websites to have to pay a fee to have access to a "fast lane" of the internet while relegating everyone else to the "slow lane."

Why is this important?

An open Internet is very important to everyone. My daughter is home-schooled online, and slowing that down would make the whole thing much more tedious and time consuming. As an avid internet user, I would definitely leave websites that take way too long to navigate.

The internet should not be changed so that sites have to pay to have faster access. I have a healing business and have a website, and I would not be able to pay to be in the "fast lane," so I'm sure that would impact my business. We need to keep Net neutrality and a level playing field for everyone. We need our representatives to convince FCC chairman Tom Wheeler to rewrite the proposal before the May 15 FCC meeting.
