To: Fair Lawn City Council, Ed Trawinski, Deputy Mayor of Fair Lawn, Fair Lawn All Sports, Fair Lawn Community News, and Sam Josephson, Rabbi, Cantor, ARC Caseworker

Save our Sand Bottomed POOLS!

Save WALSH POOL in Fair Lawn, NJ! It is an under appreciated gem of a sand bottomed pool that should it be destroyed, will most likely never be replaced! It offers us a quiet, cozy alternative to MEMORIAL POOL in Fair Lawn and is an ideal place to swim for parents with young children as well as teenagers!

Why is this important?

Walsh Pool is a gem of a medium sized sand bottomed pool in Fair Lawn, NJ. During the more than twenty years that I have lived here, it was always my family's pool of choice in Fair Lawn. To destroy it, no matter how great the plans, is senseless since whatever is being contemplated in its place can just as easily be built on public lands elsewhere.
