To: President Donald Trump, The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Greg Abbott, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Save Our Streets

Preservation of the 1866 Historic Freedmen's Town Roadways with bricks installed and paid for by Freedmen and their descendants in 1914.

Why is this important?

We, the Freedmen’s Town Preservation Coalition, request your support in our efforts to encourage the City of Houston to use preservative rather than restorative methods when revamping Andrews and Wilson streets in historic Freedmen’s Town Fourth Ward community. We are petitioning the City of Houston as well as all levels of government and elected officials to support us because of the historical impact of this matter and that historic Freedmen’s Town Fourth Ward has federal, state and local historic designation. We realize that it is extremely important to save the remaining history of this wonderful community as it is a substantial contributor to Houston’s history.

We encourage the City of Houston to use preservative rather than restorative methods when revamping historic Andrews and Wilson streets in Freedmen’s Town Fourth Ward; Our goal is to preserve the brick streets by using the best available technology (BAT) to place infrastructure under the sidewalks through micro-tunneling instead of through the street. The difference is, when tunneling takes place under the sidewalk, the historical value of the streets will be preserved instead of removing the bricks and returning them, which is restoration. Be it resolved, that our concerns be respected and implemented immediately by the City of Houston and supported by all levels of government and elected officials.