To: Sylvia Rendon, Principal of Ysleta High School, Martha Y. Reyes, YISD Representative "Ysleta", and Dr. Xavier De La Torre, YISD Superintendent

Save our Traditions!

Stop the current administration from ruining traditions of Ysleta High School.

Why is this important?

The Alumni of Ysleta High School are outraged by the current administration's lack of respect for traditions that have been in place for decades. It is part of their responsibility to uphold those traditions, not destroy them. We want to know that the administration is willing to teach current students the traditions of the Pride of the Lower Valley.

Some of the problems many alums have noticed:
1. No separate Drum Corps; it's part of the band
2. Horse rider either missing or unable to get to the stadium(should be a current student)
3. Moved the Honored Ex Assembly to Wednesday
4. Almost moved the parade to Wednesday
5. Foam costume mascots instead of real people.
6. Considering moving Graduation to the Don Haskins Center
7. Not allowing the football team to touch Kawliga for good luck.

We are sure that there are other issues that exist and are currently forming a committee to meet with current administration and the school board representative. We want to know what we can do, but it has been well known that getting answers from the current administration has been difficult. They are not transparent.

This petition is more about showing the administration that current YHS alum value those traditions and will do what we can in order to make sure they stay in place. We are not asking for removal of the administration! We want to work with them!

Signing this petition means you want to be part of the solution and will be willing to help out with your time or fundraising.
