To: Joseph Przywara, Mayor Pro Tem, John Russo, Commissioner, Joyce Dunn, Commissioner, Bill Brennan, Commissioner, Greg Davis, Commissioner, Brunswick County Commissioners, Soil and water conservation dept., and Walter Goodenough, Mayor

Save Our Trees!

The Town of Carolina Shores is considering the approval of the potential removal of upwards of one thousand mature trees from the Carolina Shores Golf Course. While many of these trees do shade the golf course, and may affect air flow over the greens, many more of them, possibly the majority of them do not, they are instead only valuable lumber.

The mature trees in our community are one of the many things that define our beautiful town. Mature trees provide habitat for birds and wild life, including wood peckers and owls. Trees provide cooling, money saving shade on a hot summer day. During the summer mature trees can use upwards of 50 gallons of water a day helping keep an area that was once a swamp, from returning to a swamp, lightening the load on our system of drainage ditches. Trees remove toxins and pollution from the water before it can return to the water table. These great trees' deep roots also provide valuable erosion control during our many rain storms and hurricanes ensuring that our yards stay in our yard and not in the waterways. Most of all our trees help to preserve our property values, making sure our neighborhood is viewed as an established neighborhood, and not some recently clear cut subdivision. Please add your name to this petition to help send a message to our town and the golf course that we want careful consideration of each tree that is on the chopping block.

Why is this important?

The Town of Carolina Shores is considering approving the removal of almost a thousand trees from the Carolina Shores Golf Course. Many of these trees are shading the golf course, but many more of them maybe even the majority, in no way shade the golf course. Let the town and the golf course that we want to protect our trees, protect our environment, and protect our property values!