To: Governor Jared Polis

Save Our Young Teachers Ayuda a nuestros maestros jóvenes

Help renew funding to public education and motivate quality young teachers back into the classroom. Their are a number of passionate young teachers leaving education every year because of the way the system is funding and run, lets keep these inspirational young teachers in our schools.

Ayúdenos a renovar el financiamiento de la educación pública y motivar que los maestros jóvenes de calidad vuelvan a la aula. Son muchos los maestros jóvenes y apasionados que dejan sus trabajos cada año por la mala calidad de ejecución del sistema y la falta de financiamiento. ¡Mantengamos estos maestros inspiradores en nuestras escuelas!

Why is this important?

Public funding for education in Colorado is at the bottom of the country. This lack of funding has caused significant cuts to be made in our education system leading to larger class sizes, diminished teacher pay and a lack of resources. I am a 29 year old elementary school teacher who just made the choice to leave teaching due to constant district cuts, minimal pay and lack of job security. This lack of funding is forcing quality young teachers out of the classroom and into other professions or keeping potential teachers from going into the profession.
