To: Dale Provenzano, Chairman, Glynn County Board of Commissioners, Commissioner Richard Strickland, Commissioner Bob Coleman, Commissioner Allen Booker, Commissioner Michael Browning, Commissioner Mark Stambaugh, Commissioner Bill Brunson,...


We demand that the Glynn County Commission shall use the time provided by the moratorium on all pending applications for development to solicit citizen input for the creation of both an island-wide tree ordinance and appropriate County ordinances which will serve the public interest. We demand that our beach parking will continue to be free and unpaved and that our marsh buffers shall be preserved. Further, we demand that the IPC shall advertise pending applications in such a way that the entire Glynn County population is informed and will consider quality of life issues in granting approval.

Why is this important?

Glynn County government has long denied residents adequate means of finding out about applications for development that go before the Island Planning Commission. The IPC, whose members are appointed by the Glynn County Board of Governors, routinely approves high-density development with inadequate traffic studies and ill-advised variances to established county ordinances.

The welfare and privacy of residents is ignored, and their quality of life is severely impacted, as small shaded island roads are burdened with increasingly heavy traffic.

We demand that Glynn County Government use the time provided by the moratorium on all pending applications for development and all future applications until such time as a Tree ordinance is created, and outdated County ordinances have been updated to serve the public interest. Moreover, we demand that the GCC and the IPC revise their means of advertising development applications and zoning changes such that the entire population of Glynn County is alerted when such applications come within their purview.

We the people of Glynn County demand to be informed in advance whenever any developer or any County department proposes to clear-cut land, cut marsh buffers, or cut down any trees whether ancient Live Oaks or other hardwood species.

We the people demand that the public shall be consulted and their approval secured before another roundabout is built.

We demand that the Glynn County Board of Commissioners shall not pave parking lots to the detriment of our magnificent beaches and that beach parking will be forever free to the public.