To: The Oregon Department of Agriculture., The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, Governor Kate Brown, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Save Private Land Timber

Currently, Timber Barons are buying up private properties all over Oregon, spraying with an Agent Orange type substance, Clearcutting, spraying again with an herbicide, then, selling the property to an unsuspecting buyer that does not know the land is poisoned. This deadly poison is going into our pristine and clean river, thus making our organic farms null and void. Insects are also being used to combat plants, thus destroying the gardens we have learned to grow. These insects are eating our vegetables. The Forests can't keep up with the need for timber and we are being poisoned. Because it is private property, we are unable to do anything to stop them. The spotted owl is still endangered, and, they can't tell private property from public property. Their habitat is going fast. Please stop this.

Why is this important?

The need for wood in 2018 far outweighs natures ability to provide. With California on fire, for instance, the trees needed to rebuild will not be there in 10 years because it really takes 500 years to grow a 500-year-old tree. So now, timber companies are buying up private properties and Forest Service properties and taking every tree, including 500-year-old trees. The poisons they spray will give me cancer, and I can't afford cancer.