To: Panel for Education Policy
Save Public Education
We the undersigned, call on Mayor Bloomberg, Chancellor Walcott, and the Panel for Education Policy to acknowledge the improvements made by Richmond Hill High School under the Restart model and allow us to complete the three year program originally prescribed by the NYCDOE and funded by the federal School Improvement Grant. Please review the list of proposed school closings one final time and consider the efforts made and the crucial element of continuity with regard to the education and overall growth of our students as they make their way toward becoming responsible, productive members of society.
Why is this important?
Mayor Bloomberg's proposal to close 33 schools and reopen them in the "Turnaround " model with new faculty short circuits the previously prescribed solution of the "Restart" model which we were given three years to complete with federal funding. The turnaround model will remove up to half of the faculty and be disruptive to the family that is made up of students, faculty, and parents.