To: Mary Jane Burke, Marin County Superintendent of Schools, Robert K. Goldman, Member, Marin County Board of Education, Patricia D. Garbarino, Member, Marin County Board of Education, Patricia A. Warren, Member, Marin County Board of Educat...

Save Ross Valley Schools!

Deny the petition by Ross Valley Charter School to "partially convert Manor School" into a charter, as "it is inconsistent with sound educational practice," according to the Ross Valley School District staff report.

Why is this important?

On September 12, a group of MAP teachers and parents submitted a charter school petition for the Ross Valley Charter School to the Ross Valley School District. The Charter Petition was unanimously denied by RVSD Trustees upon consideration of the 27 page RVSD staff report. Although the charter petition will “partially convert Manor School,” potentially bumping K5 teachers and families to other RVSD schools, petitioners did not involve either group in the process, nor did they obtain the requisite signatures of 50% of the Manor teachers. Keep MAP a RVSD program!
