To: President Donald Trump

Save Schapelle Corby

This Petition will also be delivered to The Hon. Scott Morrison MP Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship from 08.12.09; Shadow Minister for Productivity and Population from 14.09.10 in the Australian Parliament House of Representatives Opposition to share the information compiled gratis by lawyers worldwide and located on with his US counterpart, to bring Schapelle Corby home; and sanction the Gillard Federal Government and mainstream media for covering-up the truth!

Why is this important?

Australian Schapelle Corby checked in 4 bags at Brisbane Airport which were underweight. The Qantas system flagged her bags as being 5kgs overweight at Sydney Airport whilst Schapelle was in transit (with no access to her baggage). In Indonesia, one bag was found to contain 4.2kg (9.3lbs) of marijuana. The CCTV footage of all 3 airports have disappeared. The marijuana evidence was destroyed without finger-printing or DNA testing for country of origin despite repeated requests of the Indonesian Police by Schapelle in the presence of Australian Consular Officials. Indonesia law requires the defense to prove innocence not the assumption of innocence with the prosecution having to prove their case like in the USA, UK and Australia. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) allegedly withheld evidence from the Corby Defence Team. Schapelle received a 20 year sentence, the same as Umar Patek the Bali bombmaker who killed 202 souls, 7 American, 88 Australian. Schapelle has been diagnosed with mental illness bordering on suicidal by eminent Australian & Indonesian Mental Health Experts. Anyone transiting through Sydney Airport on that day, could have been the one.
