To: The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, and Governor Jay Inslee
Save Seattle's Sick Leave Law!
I support paid sick leave laws to keep our workplaces and families safe and healthy. Customers shouldn’t get sick from visiting restaurants and stores, and workers shouldn’t have to choose between their health and paying their bills. I urge you to reject conservative attacks and save Seattle's sick leave law!
Why is this important?
It should be simple: if you’re sick, you can stay home from work so you don’t get your co-workers and customers sick too.
Yet thousands of people are forced to come to work sick in restaurants, child care centers, and other workplaces because they lack paid sick leave. It makes our workplaces and communities less healthy for all of us.
Some cities, including Seattle, give workers the right to earn leave for sick days, preventative care, or to care for a sick child or family member. These laws also help businesses maintain healthier, happier, more productive employees.
Unfortunately, Republicans in our state Legislature are trying to undermine Seattle's sick leave law. ( They're following in the footsteps of Wisconsin’s far-right Governor, Scott Walker, who passed similar ALEC legislation to override Milwaukee’s sick leave law in 2011.
Tell our legislators to save Seattle's sick leave law!
Yet thousands of people are forced to come to work sick in restaurants, child care centers, and other workplaces because they lack paid sick leave. It makes our workplaces and communities less healthy for all of us.
Some cities, including Seattle, give workers the right to earn leave for sick days, preventative care, or to care for a sick child or family member. These laws also help businesses maintain healthier, happier, more productive employees.
Unfortunately, Republicans in our state Legislature are trying to undermine Seattle's sick leave law. ( They're following in the footsteps of Wisconsin’s far-right Governor, Scott Walker, who passed similar ALEC legislation to override Milwaukee’s sick leave law in 2011.
Tell our legislators to save Seattle's sick leave law!