To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Save Social Security in New Mexico!

President Barack Obama and his allies in Congress must shut down any underhanded attempts to chip away at Social Security. NO benefit cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid!!

Why is this important?

The White House and congressional budget negotiators appear poised to make a deal on the backs of the most vulnerable people in this country. In the name of deficit reduction, cuts to Social Security remain on the table, despite the fact that they have nothing to do with the debt.

Women, particularly women of color and women with disabilities, will end up paying the greatest price if chained CPI goes through. Already hampered by a lifetime of discriminatory wages and time spent out of the workforce or family caregiving, many women have only Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to rely on in retirement. I have a 55 year old sister with disabilities who is at risk of being homeless due to the risk of the increasing cost of her assisted living situation. My 84 year old mother's retirement could also be adversely affected. Many of us in New Mexico have family members or are ourselves in tenuous living situations like these. New Mexico has been one of the hardest hit states in the country by the economic downturn, and we will continue to be negatively affected for some time to come.