To: Laurie Rich Levinson, Board Chair

Save Sunset School

Stop the closing of Sunset School

Why is this important?

Recently, the Broward County School Board made a decision to shutdown Sunset School at the end of this school year. Sunset is a school for children with special needs. There were no meetings or discussions with the parents or community about this decision, it was simply made. I don't believe they realize the devastating impact it could have on these children. I can assure you that any progress these children have made will be lost and some may become worse than when they started. Why must the funding for special needs programs always be cut first? We cannot allow this to happen. In the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, the majority of the country as well as the President believe that we need to do more to help those suffering from mental illness. Sunset School has helped hundreds of children with emotional problems, as well as other disabilities and would continue to do so. We cannot allow it to be closed. We must convince the Broward County School Board to reverse their decision. You can find more information at
