To: The Connecticut State House, The Connecticut State Senate, and Governor Ned Lamont

Save Thanksgiving!

Stand with Thanksgiving Day workers. Retailers who make people work on Thanksgiving Day should pay triple their ordinary wages.

Why is this important?

I am State Rep. Matt Lesser (D-Middletown), and I am introducing legislation to crack down on big box stores who are forcing their employees to work on Thanksgiving.

These Thanksgiving Turkeys: WalMart, Macy's, Target, Staples and many other companies each year are forcing their workers to miss Thanksgiving with their families, often with no extra pay. Working Black Friday is bad enough!

We need legislation to give workers the freedom to stay home with their families on Thanksgiving, or else give them triple pay if they have to come in to work. Sign this petition and join me in urging the Connecticut legislature and Governor Malloy to take action to protect Thanksgiving and defend real family values.
