To: JC Penney, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Rockaway Mall, and Garden State Plaza
Save Thanksgiving- Keep Family First
"SAVE THANKSGIVING! This true American holiday is a day for the celebration of families, friends, and loved ones. It’s our opinion that retailers who choose to open on Thanksgiving show no respect to their employees and families and are in total disrespect of family values in the United States of America. Enjoy your meal with family, friends, and loved ones.! #keepfamilyfirst "
PC Richard & Son
PC Richard & Son
Why is this important?
I saw this message on PC Richards & Son who decided not to follow the lead of every other retailer but to respect that Family should be first. I give all respect to all the stores such as DSW, Pc Richard and Costco who decided to put family first. We should come together and tell these stores who are forcing their employees to work on Thanksgiving that we will not shop on thanksgiving. JC Penney, Walmart, Target, malls in NJ and all over the country.Your employees should be able to spend Thanksgiving with their families. Please help us fight to have these stores close their doors on Thanksgiving and keep family first.