To: Campbell Union School District
Save the 4th grade Boys and Girls
Stop the Campbell District from moving 5th grade Boys and Girls.
The Campbell District says we have 2 options for non home school students. First choice is to send them to Middle school with 6th, 7th & 8th graders. Second choice is send them back to there home school for just one year.
The Campbell District says we have 2 options for non home school students. First choice is to send them to Middle school with 6th, 7th & 8th graders. Second choice is send them back to there home school for just one year.
Why is this important?
”It should be our choice as parents to keep our children at the same elementary school in the district or move to the middle school. Not all 4th graders are ready for middle school. To force a child who is not ready for middle school could really influence and impact that child on many levels, including academic and socially...We understand the challenges of the number of students to consider but a lottery serves as a very unsettling direction for the children and families.. Many of the children at Castlemont started as kindergartner’s g and have stayed within the school making it their home while establishing long lasting relationships with teachers and peers that encourages their confidence on all levels.
Please consider adding another 5th grade class to support the need to allow the 4th graders who wish to stay the chance to do so.”
Please consider adding another 5th grade class to support the need to allow the 4th graders who wish to stay the chance to do so.”