To: President Donald Trump and Governor Gavin Newsom
Save the California Delta
We oppose Governor Brown's push to build huge tunnels, estimated to cost up to $60 billion, to bypass the California Delta. The impacts to the fish, fertile Delta farmland, Delta economy and recreation in both the Delta and San Francisco Bays more than offset any benefits provided by the tunnels.
Why is this important?
Help us save the California Delta - the largest freshwater estuary West of the Mississippi, critical to the Northern California environment (the most important biological asset on the west coast, home to 750 species of fish, birds and other animals), recreation, local Delta farmers and Delta economy. Water exports have increasingly affected Delta water quality, resulting in a salmon fishery closure in 2008/2009 with significant economic losses, all to benefit the desert farmland's big agribusiness millionaires. I live on the Delta and love it - it's my backyard. Current plans will cause the demise of salmon and other fish and fowl and will harm the Delta economy and the health and quality of Delta water.