To: Councilman Kevin Kelley, Councilman
Save the Field
Stop the Councilman Kelley from creating a garden out of our Field.
Why is this important?
In Cleveland, OH, there is a small field of land on our corner in the neighborhood of Old Brooklyn. It was once home to an elementary school that has long since been torn down, which was sad in and of itself. However, it has proven itself to be a happy accident in our neighborhood. For years this field has been utilized by the community as a place for leisurely retreat or active sport. Kids play football and soccer. Dad's throw a baseball with their sons, or play Frisbee, families have picnics and barbecues, play with their dogs, people sit out to sunbathe. Now this small beloved field is being turned into a urban farm. In the middle of a city where we have nowhere else to enjoy a little space? It doesn't make any sense.The community itself will not benefit from this garden. It has been a wonderful addition for us and is utilized so often. Please help us to save it and keep it so we can continue to enjoy it as a benefit to our community!