50 signatures reached
To: Confluence Partners
Save the Grand Canyon from development
One of earth's seven natural wonders is being threatened by development of a massive shopping mall, theater, hotels and fast food restaurants. A recent report stated that the Colorado river in the Grand Canyon is the most endangered river in the country and we need to stop this development.
Why is this important?
From the NBC News article: "Developers Confluence Partners want to provide the more than 5 million annual visitors to the Grand Canyon National Park with a new 420-acre attraction. Their plans for the canyon's rim include a multimedia complex with an IMAX theater, retail shops, hotels, an RV park and a gondola tram that would take visitors 1.6 miles to the canyon floor in ten minutes. Confluence Partners has also drawn up plans for a "Riverwalk" on the canyon floor that would include elevated connected walkways, a food pavilion, a tramway station, a terraced seating area and a wastewater package plant."
Besides being a sacred place for many indian tribes, this is a pristine natural area that should remain in it's natural state. Please sign to tell the developer Confluence Partners to abandon their plan.
Besides being a sacred place for many indian tribes, this is a pristine natural area that should remain in it's natural state. Please sign to tell the developer Confluence Partners to abandon their plan.