The Hoover, Alabama School Board of Education approved a "Transportation Change" on July 15, 2013. What this "Transportation Change" did was take away school buses for almost 7,000 students in a city that is 50 square miles, leaving those children with no way or unsafe ways to get to school.
Why is this important?
Superintendent Andy Craig told the Hoover Board of Education that eliminating buses for students will save $2.5 million each year. He said eliminating buses would allow that $2.5 million to be redirected to the classroom to preserve educational quality.
Eliminating buses won’t save $2.5 million a year.
The FY13 (“fiscal year 2013″, the period from October 1, 2012, to September 30, 2013) budget was the first time that local funding for student transportation topped $2 million. Ever.
No school official has given any good reason, backed up with numbers and a clear explanation, as to why so much local money is spent on transportation. Other nearby school districts have many more buses and manage to run them without the strain on local funds while maintaining high student achievement.
No hard numbers have been produced showing actual cost savings from eliminating buses.
No one has attempted to prove that savings will approach anywhere near $2.5 million.
Buses have been running in Hoover, Alabama for almost 25 years. The loss of the buses will hurt children, adults and property values in our city. $1.9 million is spent on supplements for athletic coaches. $1.2 million is spent on education non-resident employees' children.
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