To: Rep. André Carson (IN-7), Sen. Todd Young (IN-1), Sen. Mike Braun (IN-2), The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Save the "Internet" from a "Pay to Play" fast lane system.

Rep. Andre Carson, Dan Coats, Joe Donnelly, please vote against the "pay-to-play" fast lanes for major websites owners to control and slow lanes for others.

Why is this important?

I use the internet as a research tool for mostly all important items, such as medical info, purchasing info, contacts, research for knowledge, comunication to solving certain problems, and a host of other important things. I understand that the internet was practically built with taxpayers' money for the general public ... and the Goverment should not allow private companies to have major control of the system. This is not the right thing to do.... I am totally against this move.
