To: Rachel Norton, SF Board of Education, Dr. Elizabeth Blanco, Assistant Superintendent, Dr. Minoo Shah, Director, SFSD Director, Daniel Bridges, SFSD, and Kelly Casey, SFSD


Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

The SFSD is trying to close the only program in the city that serves the most severe disabled students in the district. Please support our students in rooms 108 and 109 at FSK!

Why is this important?

The children in the ITALC class (room 108 and 109) are being forcefully removed from Francis Scott Key. The students in both classrooms are the most severely disabled in the entire school district. The ITALC program is the only program in the city that supports the needs of our children. It gives them the opportunity to communicate through electronic devices, because they are unable to communicate in any other form. The children will no longer have a class that meets their needs. The ITALC is the only form of education that our children can receive. The school district is treating these children as second class citizens by trying to take the rights to go to school and receive the special education that they deserve and need. Please sign and support this petition and forward to your friends, families and coworkers.
Thank You,
From the parents in rooms 108 and 109!