To: Jay Fisette, Arlington County Board Chair

Save the Rappahannock Coffee Shop

The Rappahanock Coffee shop plays an important role in the Penrose community of Arlington and we ask that it be saved from demolition.

As the county government, we ask you to ponder these questions: When do the needs of the community outweigh the desires of real estate developers? Are we set to become a county where luxury apartments abound for some and the rest are forced out? What about the elements that define a community, are they easily tossed aside as well?

Why is this important?

Also consider calling the Arlington County Board: 703 - 228 - 3130


B.M. Smith and Associates have submitted plans to Arlington County to build a new six-story luxury apartment building. This new building would demolish a strip of retail establishments, with the Rappahanock Coffee shop being included.

In recent years the Penrose community of Arlington, Virginia has seen a number of luxury apartments built and none of them are even near capacity. Meanwhile, the need for affordable housing has been ignored thus forcing people out of the area and possibly the county itself.

Rappahanock Coffee is one of the few remaining communal spaces in the area. Furthermore, it exists as an independent coffee shop at a time when chains like Starbucks overrun communities.

For the people who come here, the Rappahanock Coffee shop provides more than just a cup of coffee.

As an article in the Columbus Underground mentions:

“Independent coffee shops take on the character of their communities and cater to the needs of community members,” says Greg Ubert, President of Crimson Cup Coffee & Tea. “A great coffee shop becomes a hub for social interaction, and all kinds of great things can happen as a result of these interactions. People feel more connected and less stressed, friendships are formed and strengthened, community problems are solved, and business deals are struck.”1

If you believe that a community as a whole, and not just business interests should have a say in how development is handled, then I urge you to sign.


1: Evans, Walker. "The Important Role of Coffee Shops in Neighborhood Development" Columbus Underground.