To: United States Postmaster General, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Save the United States Post Office from corporate take over.

Many reasons are given to explain the financial challenges of the United States Postal Service. It is said that email, electronic messaging and the economy are hurting USPS profits. While this does have some effect, these realities are the same for the profits of commercial carriers yet they are extremely profitable.

These talking points are used by those intent on diminishing USPS competitiveness and trick people into agreeing with their destructive proposals.

The existence of electronic messaging is not the cause of USPS business challenges or validation for why it should be hacked apart and sold off at bargain prices to its corporate competition to the financial detriment of all US citizens.

The USPS can still be run at a profit right now if they are:

a.) Not forced to deliver bulk mail and packages below costs (to benefit corporate interests)
b.) Not forced to incur the debt of paying in advance for retirement benefits of future workers who are not even born yet!
c.) Allowed to expand the USPS business model into identified profitable areas in information technology and security.

No business model, be it USPS, UPS, FedEx or others including email providers, could survive the types of unworkable financial burdens which are mandated upon the USPS by the US governing bodies for the benefit of corporate interests.

Working through lobbyists and the Citizens United decision which allows unlimited and anonymous campaign contributions, corporations are able to dictate policy to elected officials which have harmed the USPS financially to further the corporate agenda of private carriers.

The destruction of the USPS will gravely harm the US economy in multiple ways.

a.)Through job loss. USPS is the second largest employer in the US. The largest is Wal-Mart but they do not pay the living wage earned by USPS workers.
b.) Through less efficient (slower) and more infrequent mail delivery.
c.) Through vastly more expensive services brought on by lack of competition
d.) Through the potential for discrimination in mail delivery services.

Ben Franklin, father of the USPS saw it as the entity that would insure information was delivered to all US citizens in an equal, non-partisan and timely manner.

Dismantling the USPS is not a path America should go down for the protection of our democracy if nothing else. Many Americans living in rural areas will be severely hurt, having to drive 50 miles, and sometimes more, to receive their daily mail. This is unacceptable.

Why is this important?

The United States Post Office is under attack by corporate interests influencing goverment policies governing the USPS.

The USPS is set up for financial failure on mutiple fronts. Some of the most destructive are a mandate to fund retirements of future workers that are not yet hired or born. Also a mandate to carry bulk mail and packages below costs for corporations. And refusal by governing bodies to allow the USPS to grow its business into identified profitable areas in information security.

Politicians creating these mandates are catering to the financial interests of corporate carriers to reduce competition which will lead to an increase in prices for the services we all depend upon.

Please help save this important American institution so providing information to others is affordable and impartial.