To: Pat Donahue, Postmaster General USPS

Save the USPS! Fire Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe!

Tell Obama to fire the Postmaster General Pat Donahoe! Save the USPS!!

The Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe is sticking with a Republican approved plan to devastate the USPS. Instead of looking for new funding, paying USPS executives less (Donahoe makes $800,000 a year) or any other thoughtful solution, the plan is to destroy the USPS and turn all services over to private carriers that won't serve rural areas and will decrease service quality. I

Why is this important?

Tell Obama to fire Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe who is sticking with a Republican approved plan to devastate the USPS. Instead of looking for new funding, paying USPS executives less (Donahoe makes $800,000 a year) or any other thoughtful solution, the plan is to destroy the USPS and turn all services over to private carriers that won't serve rural areas and will decrease service quality. The USPS is a legacy written into our Constitution and not something we will want to lose.