To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Save the Voting Rights Act
If the U.S. Supreme Court tries to override the original 1965 Voting Rights Act or does anything to weaken any part of the legislation, another better, stronger version of the Voting Rights Act should be introduced, especially considering the voting problems which have existed in Florida and Ohio.
If you agree, please sign this petition and pass on to your friends to also sign and send to your U.S. Representatives and Senators as well as The White House.
If you agree, please sign this petition and pass on to your friends to also sign and send to your U.S. Representatives and Senators as well as The White House.
Why is this important?
The Voting Rights Act is being contested in the United States Supreme Court. The US Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. With 5 conservative "justices" and 4 so-called liberal justices, the Voting Rights Act is being threatened. Do not allow them to override this legislation. It is still necessary and will be for quite awhile.
If you agree, please sign this petition and pass on to your friends to also sign and send to your U.S. Representatives and Senators as well as The White House.
If you agree, please sign this petition and pass on to your friends to also sign and send to your U.S. Representatives and Senators as well as The White House.