To: Brad Girard, Bixby Ward 4 City Councilman

Save White Hawk Golf Club

Stop the proposed changes to White Hawk Golf Club comprehensive plan and zoning. Case number(s) BXCP-18.01, BXZO-18.04 and BXPUD-18.10 MA3

Why is this important?

The current owners of White Hawk Golf Club are seeking to change the City of Bixby Comprehensive Plan in such a way that would remove the Recreational and Open Space designation of the actual golf course and make it Residential, as well as Rezoning of the course property to allow for Residential and Commercial properties to be built. If we allow this to happen, at any time in the future anyone who owns that property will be allowed to build on the golf course property without any further public hearings or input from the public. We need to act before September 17th, The owner has stated he has no intentions of selling or building at this time, so there really is no need to change the Comp Plan, if we do not act now we will not have another chance, join us at the city council meetings Sep. 17 and 24th.
