To: John Venditto, Oyster Bay Town Supervisor

Save WINORR (Nassau County's premier wildlife rehabber)

Wildlife in Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation (WINORR) is a non-profit that rescues injured and sick wildlife in the New York City area. They are appropriately-licensed wildlife rehabbers, and serve a crucial role in maintaining the balance on Long Island by saving innumerable animals native to the area, many of whom have been orphaned or injured due to human encroachment and irresponsibility.

Why is this important?

For 25 years this couple has saved Long Island's Wildlife in Need of Rescue and Rehabilitation (WINORR). They have federal and state licenses for wildlife rehabilitation and help animals from ducks to foxes thrive in this developed area.

But this crucial group could be shut down by the town of Oyster Bay, Long Island based Oyster Bay residents alleged complaints, the town has decided ducks, turkeys, hawks and baby foxes are "dangerous animals," thus making it illegal to keep them in a residential area under a town ordinance.
